Archbishop, The Gear
Guitars listed from left to right:
- 2002 Taylor Accoustic-Gonynor's accoustic guitar. Our recordings are all electric, but we use it quite a bit for practice. Cheap, dependable, utterly impossible to barre.
- 2001 Gretsch Electromatic Jet-Dirk's #1, basically a superior ripoff of the Les Paul Junior by Gretsch, the coolest guitar company ever (If only Dirk would actually play it once-in-a-while)
- 2001 Ibanez G70-Both Gonynor and Darren use this overly metallic-sounding Ibanez to get the cheesy spank Dirk so desires. Dirk thinks they should buy real guitars, but considdering his talent, or lack thereof, he makes a point not to complain, too much.
- 1963 Stella Redburst Accoustic-Dirk leaned guitar on this sucker, and still regreats it. It's pretty, but arguably, one of the worst-playing guitars, ever.
- 2002 Hohner "O Series" Classicl-Made out of rare and precious Ovangkol wood, this sleek and sexy nylon-string is slowly working to usurp the Gretsch as Dirk's #1 (Hear it in action on "The Train Song")
Not Pictured:
- Fatass-Gonynor's massive 30W, single speaker, Crate, housed in a body that seems more suited for a twin. This is the foundation of Gonynor's "neo-hair band" sound.
- 15W Vox Pathfinder-My little surf amp of death. Sounds somewhere in between those big Voxes the Velvet Underground used and a nice, reverby Fender Twin.
- The Conquerer-Darren's legendary bargain basement accoustic, given to him by his grandfather, with which we played two legendary shows at The International Thespian Fesival
- Matt DeWitt's Epiphone Les Paul-Dirk made Darren use this guitar for their Sarong Nation recordings because he was tired of "That damn hair metal sound"
- Chris DeWitt's Fender Jazz Bass-Heard on two of the four Sarong nation tracks, this instrument is the key to making Archbishop sound more like a real rock band (That's why we don't do it much). Note: DeWitt recently covered the pickguard in checkered contact paper. It looks nifty.
- Grant Keaton's Bananna Yellow Yamaha Bass-An ugly, heavy, ill-sounding instrument we used to record silver city (Tho, in his defense, it was better than borrowing jackco's bass, "The Meanest Red").